Title | Date added | Template | In brief |
Map of Attacks against Environmental Defenders | Nov 18, 2022 | Use Case | The Map of Attacks against Environmental Defenders is an online database that documents cases of violence directed at those who defend human rights, protected territories and the environment. |
North Korean Prison Database | Apr 6, 2022 | Use Case | A comprehensive and growing archive of international human rights law violations and atrocities that occur inside the North Korean prison system. |
Justice Watch Archive | Apr 6, 2022 | Use Case | The Committee for Justice has launched an online database documenting human rights violations that occur inside Egypt's justice system. |
Footprints | Mar 17, 2021 | Use Case | With support from HURIDOCS, TJWG and its partners have launched an open archive of arbitrary detention, abduction and enforced disappearance cases since the 1950s. |
Police Violence | Mar 16, 2021 | Use Case | Violencia Policial (Police Violence) is a website that presents key cases of institutional violence in Argentina. |
Cartography of Attacks Against Women Journalists | Mar 16, 2021 | Use Case | The organisation’s Cartography of Attacks Against Women Journalists is powered by a HURIDOCS-developed solution: Uwazi. |
Global Legal Action Network | Mar 16, 2021 | Use Case | An integration between Digital Evidence Vault and Uwazi allows users to capture, organise and analyse online content in a streamlined way. |
Death Penalty Database | Mar 16, 2021 | Use Case | Justice Project Pakistan and HURIDOCS partnered to create a database that shows who exactly is sitting on one of the world’s largest death rows. |
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